We’ve shipped two releases today:

GeoDesk for Java 0.1.9

Includes the GOL Tool (download)

Bug Fixes

  • OsmPbfReader now shuts down cleanly when reading a corrupt source file (gol-tool#104) – this bug caused gol build to hang on truncated .osm.pbf files.

  • gol build: Fixed encoding bug that caused access to certain way-nodes to fail (gol-tool#105) Note: We recommend re-building any GOL with more than 16K tiles

Other Changes

  • MapMaker now uses the standard OSM Carto style by default (geodesk-py#17)

GeoDesk for Python 0.1.1

Install / upgrade: pip install geodesk -U


  • Creating Coordinate objects is now easier using lonlat() and latlon() (geodesk-py#10)

  • Feature sets now support __contains__ for Python’s in operator (geodesk-py#23)

  • Number of tags in a Tags object can now be obtained using len()

  • Partial support for Features.tiles


  • Feature.is_placeholder has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Missing relation members will no longer be represented by a “placeholder” feature, but will be omitted from the relation, and the relation will be tagged geodesk:missing_members=yes.

Bug fixes

  • Features.members_of() now properly returns an empty set if called on features that are not relations (geodesk-py#18)

  • Tags: Fixed bug that caused certain tags to be skipped while iterating

Other changes

  • Maps now use the standard OSM Carto style by default (geodesk-py#17)
  • geodesk-py#19: Way-node retrieval may fail when querying large GOLs (16K+ tiles) that were built with GOL Tool version 0.1.8 or below, due to an encoding bug in gol build (gol-tool#105). We recommend upgrading your GOL Tool and re-building any affected GOLs.